AI Playlist Maker

type :

Web Application

started :

May 2023

ended :

July 2023

AI Playlist Maker is a web application that I built using Flask in order to create customizable Spotify playlists using AI song recommendations. The idea for it came to me one day when I was trying to find some new songs to listen, and tried using chatgpt for some suggestions, which turned out to be amazing. Then I thought of automating the suggestions that these LLMs gave and converting them into a new playlist, which thanks to the spotify api's was made possible. Then I added other LLMs like bard and claude to get diverse and include more up to date recommendations.
Users can login to this webapplication via their Spotify account. They can then input songs, artists, genres, and themes that fit their desired playlist. These inputs are processed by OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard to receive relevant song suggestions that match the user's criteria.

The application takes these AI-generated recommendations and curates them into a seamless playlist for the user. The app provides a polished user interface and experience throughout. User accounts allow for personalized playlist generation based on an individual's musical taste and past playlists. Publishing and sharing options are available to spread user-created playlists.
Overall, AI Playlist Maker enables anyone to easily harness the power of AI for creating the perfect customized Spotify playlist. The combination of Bard, ChatGPT, and custom engineering provides a unique song recommendation and playlist generation experience.

If you have any suggestions for any new features to add, please feel free to reach out to me.

You can check it out by clicking on this link .

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